In this area you will find books you can purchase that have helped myself and others in certain aspects of their business. Clicking on the buy now buttons will take you to an affiliate link on Amazon to purchase the books.
Clicking on the buttons will not be purchasing the book directly, you will still need to use the Amazon site to purchase the book.
The Millionaire Real Estate Agent
written by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan this book will guide you through your beginning stages of a real estate agent. You will learn about Models, spending and retaining money, earn a million dollars, hiring talent, building a team when ready.
Shift: How top agents handle tough times
written by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. This book dives into market shifts and how to manage them and be able to keep your business running, by looking at your finances, where business is coming from and not coming from and where to focus your efforts, and much more.
The One Thing
Written by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. This book will help you create a focus on the One thing that needs to happen before anything else or what is the one thing that being completed will allow for something else to grow, whether it be you business, finances, personal needs, relationships and more.
The seven lines of communication
Written by Michael Maher. This book is a very easy read and will help you start building relationships with others that will eventually turn into referrals. This book explains how just meeting people is not enough you have create a relationship with them, that runs deep and makes people remember you and refer business to you.
Atomic Habits
Written by James Clear. This book will help you create new great habits to focus on the tasks at hand and break old ones that are keeping you from moving forward.
How to win friends and influence people
Written by Dale Carnegie. This book was first published in 1936 and is still selling thousands of copies. This book will help with make people like you, and make them come around to your way of thinking and how to change people in general. When working in sales these measures are so ever important. It will also help you remember people and help make you look amazing in front of clients.